Casting Spells – Spell Candle Culdrun – hold for katt


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Casting Spells – Spell Candle Culdrun

•1- 18 karat gold plated jewelry piece made with red tiger’s eye

•4- protection spell candles, made with rosemary, clove and plantain herbs scented with lemon essential oil

•1- we are one candle- made with rose essential oil, orange essential oil, dried rose, bay leaf, lemon, balm, basil and salt

These are mini spell candles, these candles should never be left alone unattended, in a drafty area, and should never be burned on any service that is not fire safe without a fire safe dish or stand to burn the candle on you may trim wick as needed.

If you are very sensitive to scent and smells of any kind, I do not recommend these candles or any of my candles for you.

These candles are not edible. Do not eat them, do not leave them in the vicinity of children. These candles are for adult s aged 18 and up.

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 cm


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